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Are You Safe From Trucking Recruiter Scams?

Are You Safe From Trucking Recruiting Scams?

When you're looking for a trucking job you can feel like a tiny fish in a vast ocean. This is especially true if you are new to the industry and don't have a lot of experience. Trucking recruiters are everywhere, trying to convince you to come to their company and promising you the moon in exchange for your application. Sadly, dishonest recruiters have become a well-documented problem in trucking. 

Unfortunately, we are now seeing an increase in the number of recruiting scams targeting driver's financial or personal information. Individuals or entities posing as trucking companies or private recruiters are scamming individuals out of their information, and sometimes even their money, on many popular social media sites.

Here are some of our tips on how to avoid these scams when you see them.


Before applying for any trucking job, research the company. If the company isn't listed on the driving job post, this is a big red flag. Legitimate recruiters will always identify the name of their company in their posts because their company's reputation should be their calling card! Check out their website and social media. Does it look professional? Do they have reviews on Facebook or Google?

If a recruiter simply states, "Call or text Joe" with a phone number and no website or company listing that is another red flag. When you are trying to decipher if a job posting is a scam, Google is your friend! Google the phone number they are posting. 

While doing research for this post we looked up several numbers from online job postings and found in one case an individual whose stated company name did not match the name that came up in a Google search of their number. This can be a sign that the company is either fraudulent or unstable, with ever-changing names to avoid creditors.

Knowledge is your best defense against scammers. Before applying for any trucking job, thoroughly research the company offering the position. Look for reviews and ratings from current and former employees. Legitimate companies typically have a strong online presence, including a professional website and active social media profiles. Be wary of companies with little to no online presence or those that provide vague or inconsistent information. Never give out your personal information before being sure the company is legitimate.

2. If it Seems Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 1.51.32 PM

How many red flags can you spot in the screenshot above? Yikes!

Scammers and shady recruiters often rely on promises of high CPM or guaranteed pay with minimal experience and qualifications. Watch out for overly vague or non-existent job descriptions, spelling and grammatical errors, and job postings that lack specific contact information or physical addresses. Legitimate companies will typically provide detailed job descriptions and clear instructions on how to apply. Which brings us to our next point...

3. be wary of the application process

You should never be asked to give information such as your social security number unless it is through a legitimate online application software. Most of these programs, such as the one we use, have a secure login process to ensure your information stays safe. 

Scammers constantly reinvent themselves, but the attempt is always the same--to get personal information or money from you. They claim it is to pre-approve your application or start the direct deposit process. Some even ask for credit card numbers, stating they need to run background checks, drug tests, or collect training fees. 

4. Never Pay for Employment

One of the most significant indicators of a trucking recruiting scam is if they are asking you to pay for training, certifications, or background checks as a condition of employment. Legitimate companies invest in our employees and cover these expenses ourselves. If a company asks for payment upfront you have every right to be wary. 

5. Trust Your Instincts

Above all, trust your instincts. If something about a job offer seems too good to be true, or if you feel uncomfortable during the application process, it's essential to listen to your intuition. Take your time to thoroughly evaluate the opportunity and don't hesitate to ask questions or seek advice from trusted friends, family members, or industry professionals.

TO Wrap Up...

In a digital age where scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, protecting yourself from trucking recruiter scams requires diligence and awareness. By utilizing these tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming the latest victim of these online schemes. Remember, a legitimate job offer in the trucking industry will value your skills and qualifications without asking for anything in return other than your dedication, honesty, and hard work. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and safeguard your future career in trucking.