K&J Trucking Blog

Gov. Kristi Noem Proclaims Today K & J Trucking Day

Written by Carrie Anderson | May 16 2024


Today marks a special occasion as Governor Kristi Noem proclaimed it K & J Trucking Day! K & J Trucking has been a pillar in the trucking community, embodying hard work, dedication, and caring. Through the tireless efforts of the Koch and Schipper families, they have not only built a thriving business but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among drivers, staff, and the communities they serve.

Today, we salute the contributions of all K & J drivers and team members. Please take a moment to read Gov. Kristi Noem's proclamation below and celebrate May 16, 2024, as K & J Trucking Day!

Noem's Executive Proclamation

"Whereas, K & J Trucking, Inc., a distinguished women-owned and operated South Dakota Trucking company, has been honored with the prestigious title of the top small carrier in the United States and Canada by Best Fleets to Drive For; and

Whereas, this esteemed award recognizes K & J Trucking's unwavering commitment to excellence, safety, and the overall driver experience; and

Whereas, K & J Trucking's dedication to the well-being and satisfaction of its drivers exemplifies the values of the South Dakota trucking industry and serves as an inspiration to women in trucking across the nation; and

Whereas, the addition of a significant expansion to their building symbolizes their commitment to the future workforce development of South Dakota; and

Whereas, during National Transportation Week, May 16-22, 2024, we honor the vital role that transportation plays in connecting our communities and driving economic growth in our state;

Now, therefore, I, Kristi Noem, Governor of the State of South Dakota, do hereby proclaim May 16th as K & J Trucking Day.

I urge all citizens to join me in recognizing and celebrating K & J Trucking's outstanding achievement, their contributions to our state's economy, and their dedication to the advancement of the trucking industry in South Dakota and beyond."

To learn more about what makes K&J Trucking unique, click below.