K&J Trucking Blog

Today is the Last Day to Prepare for Roadcheck!

Written by K&J Trucking | May 29 2018

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you probably heard that the 2018 Roadcheck starts in just 8 days. This year's nationwide CVSA inspection efforts will have the added pressure of enforcing the ELD mandate. Officers performing the check look at the last 8 days of data on your logs. Be prepared to pay special attention to your logs from here forward as today is only 8 days from the first day of Roadcheck. With that in mind, here are a few tips to make sure you are ready to go for inspection!


1. Make Sure You Understand HOS (Hours of Service) and The ELD Mandate 

This is the first big inspection push since the ELD Mandate went into effect last December. At this point, most exemptions have run out and almost all drivers should be using ELD technology. That said, at K & J Trucking we are utilizing one of the exemptions that is still in place, the grandfathered in AOBRDs.

Knowledge is power. Make sure you understand how your technology works, and make sure your logs, especially for the next 8-10 days, are right on track.

If you are selected for inspection you will have to show 8 days of your log-book. Since we are only 8 days out from the beginning of the blitz, make sure that starting today you pay extra attention to keeping your logs clean. 

There are several resources here on the blog to help you better understand the impact of the changes. Here is a piece we did on Hours of Service, the motivation behind them, and why they aren't actually keeping anyone safe. It includes an explanation of how HOS rules are applied in real life situations since the ELD Mandate is in effect. We also wrote a piece on how the ELD Mandate has brought the deeper issues with Hours of Service to light. Both of these articles explain some of the specifics of the laws and how they apply to drivers. If you're a K & J driver and you have additional questions or concerns about your logs, please contact Jennifer. 


2. Know What to Expect From the Inspection 

If you are prepared and knowledgeable, inspections don't have to be a huge issue. We created a list that goes over what officers will check during the inspection. 

Additonally, Officer Phil Lentz, Master Inspector with the Motor Carrier Services division of the South Dakota Highway Patrol gave us some tips on how truckers can make it through the Roadcheck from an officer's perspective. 


3. Did We Mention Hours of Service? 

We know, this was already mentioned, but it bears mentioning again. The CVSA has gone on the record stating that the number one reason drivers were placed out of service last year was Hours of Service violations. In fact, 37% of drivers placed out of service were in that category because of HOS violations. They do not expect this year to be any different, and this year has the added hurdle of the ELD Mandate. 


The CVSA has said their number one focus this year, besides safety, is the ELD Mandate and HOS. If you don't understand the rules well, this is a great time to brush up on your knowledge. Here are a few resources that can help. 

Pamphlet with an Overview of the HOS/ELD Rules - From the CVSA

Summary Explanation of HOS/ELD Rules - From the FMCSA

OOIDA Resources on HOS/ELD Mandate 


If you have additional questions or concerns about Roadcheck, let us know in the comments below. And if you're wishing for a company that offers high quality equipment, amazing support, and a great work environment, look no further. We are always looking to add great drivers to our team!