K&J Trucking Blog

Trucker Devotion: Staying Calm in the Chaos

Written by Carrie Anderson | March 20 2020

It goes without saying that the coronavirus pandemic has led to unprecedented times. The 24/7 news cycle is constantly churning, people around us are showing more and more concern. Your families worry about you being out on the road. Whenever someone coughs, everyone jumps.

As a Christian trucking company we find ourselves asking how we can be a voice of calm in the chaos of the coronavirus. How can we encourage and empower our drivers, and drivers around the world, who are filled with fear?

These aren't easy questions. They don't have simple answers, but there are some things we can do to point our eyes to Jesus Christ and find joy and peace that surpass our understanding (Philippians 4:7). We've created the following trucker devotion, and hope it blesses you!

1. Watch What We Feed our Souls

Scripture warns us again and again of the power of what we see and take in.

Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
- Romans 12:2
Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.
- Philippians 4:8

We need to be conscious about the information that we are allowing into our thoughts. News is important, but a constant news cycle of gloom and doom only brings our spirits down and stifles the action of the Holy Spirit.

Who are you allowing to speak into your life? Are they voices of fear and gloom, or voices of love and peace. Focus in on the voices that bring life and hope.

2. Find Rest

With HOS exemptions coming down from the FMCSA and changes to daily patterns for some drivers it is easy to forget to rest. Our bodies and souls need rest to maintain physical and emotional health. Make sure that you are using you down-time on the road to truly rest as much as you can.

Consider picking up a practice of meditation. There are a lot of great apps for your phone, but one we really like is Smiling Mind. While it is not an expressly Christian app, it has a variety of meditations to center your heart and mind on the positive.

3. Pray

What would happen if we mobilized truck drivers to pray? Prayer is something we often overlook, isn't it? And prayer doesn't have to involve closing your eyes! In fact, windshield time is a great time to pray.

Pray for friends and family. Pray for your trip, for the shippers and customers you will meet. Pray for dock workers, even the crabby ones. Maybe especially the crabby ones! Pray for your fellow drivers. Pray for scientists and medical workers. Pray for breakthrough in vaccines and treatment. Pray for teachers and community leaders, for parents and caregivers. Pray for factory workers and grocery store clerks. Pray for bankers and tellers.

If you are Catholic, St. Christopher is known as the patron saint for all travelers, including truck drivers, so ask St. Christopher to intercede on your behalf!

If you are interested in other saints for coronavirus, this website gives several ideas. 

4. Encourage Others

When you feel down and frustrated with the world, that is the very time we are called to rise up and encourage. Take your thoughts captive by focusing on something beyond yourself.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. - 2 Corinthians 10:5


Lord, I thank you for your loving provision and kindness to me, even when the world seems to be falling apart. I know that you will use even these difficult times for your purpose. Help me to see my place in the world as a helper, even when I don't feel appreciated, even when I feel scared. Give me your vision as I drive my truck to bring goods to people in great need. Keep me safely in your protection.

In your name I pray, Amen.


If this devotion blessed you, please pass it on to other drivers. Comment below if you would like trucker devotions to become a series on our blog.