K&J Trucking Blog

Why You (Yes You) Should Consider a Small Trucking Company

Written by K&J Trucking | June 23 2016

If you're currently working for a large company you might be wondering why you would ever consider a small trucking company. Or maybe you are already connected to a small company and want a succinct explanation for why it is just so awesome. Well there are plenty of great reasons to think small when it comes to trucking. 

Not Just a Number

First and foremost, with a small trucking company you are not just a truck number, but a name. After a short time with a small company everyone knows you. They know your family, where you like to run and what kind of loads you prefer. They take a genuine interest in you as a driver or owner operator because you are what makes them successful. Big companies have too many drivers to know each one individually.

All in the Family

A small trucking company operates a lot like a family. And often small trucking companies are run by families. Families are great! They love you no matter what and they always have your back. Of course, they may also occasionally tease you and joke with you.  Bottom line, families shoot straight with you; and trucking companies should too.

You Have a Voice

If you have an issue or idea you will be heard. Big companies often don't have the time or personnel to visit with each driver and make improvements in a timely manner, but small companies normally take an interest in what drivers and operators have to say. As a driver you are what makes or breaks a small trucking company and they want you to be happy and help them succeed. 

Your Success is Their Success

Big companies care that you are successful, but they often simply don't have the time (or take the time) to notice if things are out of whack for a driver. In contrast, most small companies are tied closely to each of their drivers or operators, so if their truckers aren't successful neither is the company. Everyone has skin in the game, not just the driver. And this means you have that many more people fighting for your success. 

All the Important Stuff, Less of the Fluff

When you evaluate a trucking company, know what you want. Large companies have their benefits just like small companies, but they often implement things quite differently. Make sure you look at the big picture. What are your core needs? Talk to current drivers and owner operators and get their feedback. But no matter what, don't believe everything you are told. Do your own research!  If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. But safety, security and success, all the important things, can be found with small trucking companies.