K&J Trucking Blog

OTR Drivers: Facts Vs. Myths

Written by K&J Trucking | September 20 2016

Truckers often get a bad wrap in pop-culture as being lazy and dumb. But nothing could be further from the truth. Check out this list of five common misconceptions about truck drivers. Myth versus reality. Which is correct? You decide. 

Myth: OTR drivers are dumb. 
Fact: They are very intelligent. 

Truckers have to be on top of hundreds of regulations and policies, not to mention all the number crunching required. Too many people assume drivers enter trucking because they couldn't succeed elsewhere. This is simply not the case. Many drivers chose trucking because enjoy the challenge and solitude that trucking brings. 


Myth: OTR Drivers don't get technology.
Fact: They are tech savvy consumers.

Did you know that there is a whole industry catering to the truck driving tech? In fact, drivers who use technology as a part of their trucking strategy are more successful. There are tons of apps and programs designed to help truckers use technology to advance their business. 


Myth: OTR drivers are selfish. 
Fact: They are generous givers.

 Truckers are not only financially generous, they are also often at the center of rescue stories. In recent years truckers have rescued babies, accident victims and even animals. But in addition to all this, drivers make continual personal sacrifices to make sure our communities are supplied with food and basic needs. It is estimated that 80% of communities rely on trucking as the SOLE method of receiving shipments and goods. 


Myth: OTR Drivers aren't up on the latest trends and headlines.
Fact: They are some of the most informed people you will ever meet. 

Ask any trucker what they think about any popular headline and you are likely to get an earful. And not just uninformed opinions! Drivers take the time to understand all sides of an issue and are well-informed on a wide variety of topics. 


Myth: OTR Drivers don't care about their families and are uninvolved. 
Fact: They do their best to make family a priority. 

Are drivers gone a lot? Sure. But it is so that other families can have food on the table. Most truckers do their best to stay connected to their spouse and children. Even though they can't always be there physically, through social media, Facebook live and FaceTime, drivers are able to stay involved with their family. They also recognize the importance of the time they do have and don't take those moments for granted like so many others. 


If you are a driver ready for a change, let's start a conversation. We are always looking for great truckers to join our K&J family.